Thursday, May 27, 2021

Fight Prostate Cancer in Its Early Stages with a Prostate Self Test

Fight Prostate Cancer in Its Early Stages with a Prostate Self Test

Prostate cancer is one of the deadliest diseases among men, and yet many men are unaware that they have the disease until it’s too late. Next to heart attacks, prostate cancer is the leading cause of death for men. Though frequent prostate testing can be less than pleasant (as are many exams such as colon testing or heart stress tests), it’s pertinent in the fight of cancer through early detection and treatment.

Early detection through a prostate examination can help you and your doctor determine a course of action to help your prostate potentially heal itself or to surgically remove the prostate gland in time before the disease becomes fatal. Prostate testing reveals if the prostate gland is swollen. Even minimal swelling of the prostate can be a sign that it is getting sick though some prostate gland enlargement often occurs as men age. In some cases, men have been completely healed thanks to early detection of a swollen prostate and a wholesome treatment option.

The prostate gland is located just below the bladder, and is normally about the size of a walnut. It surrounds the urethra, and its main function is to carry urine (out of the bladder) and semen through the penis. A man with prostate cancer may experience symptoms such as becoming incontinent or increased urinating frequency, painful ejaculation during sexual intercourse, or pain or a burning sensation while urinating. But with proper testing through a doctor or prostate self test, swelling can be detected before any of these symptoms appear, and require treatment.

Benefits of Prostate Self Tests

Thankfully, there are now prostate self tests that can be performed at home to help in the early detection of this disease. A man who is uncomfortable visiting the doctor may find a prostate self test to be a great solution. The prostate self test works similar to testing in the doctor’s office, and should be completed at least once every six months.

A prostate self test involves drinking a certain given amount of water and then using a special medical tool, which can be obtained at any local pharmacy without a prescription, or it can even be obtained online. It is an easy process that any man can do, and the test results can be read using simple instructions. The prostate self test reveals if the prostate gland is swollen. Though the prostate self test is not meant to replace regular doctor visits, it can be used as an in-between testing method to keep check on the state of your prostate gland. If you detect swelling through a prostate self test, do see a doctor right away for further examination and to determine if treatment is needed.

Prostate self tests can be obtained online, and detailed explanations are provided to help you use the test properly. These tests also make excellent gifts for any man over the age of 25, for Father’s Day, birthdays, or holidays. Give the gift of life to yourself or a friend or loved one.

With a prostate self test, you can avoid having so many unpleasant doctor visits while staying on top of your male health. Frequent testing is one of the primary preventive measures to help you live a longer, healthier life.

 Take care of your prostate health with a prostate self test today! Prevention is better than cancer treatment, check your prostate health regularly and treat BPH instead of prostate cancer.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Solar Power for Post Lighting

Solar energy is all around us, but most people don't notice it. For instance, the power source for many emergency phones on freeways is powered by it. 

This brings us the subject of solar post lights.

Solar Power for Post Lighting

Solar energy started to come into popularity in the 1970s, when technology advances combined with massive oil price increases made solar power a popular alternative energy source, even though solar batteries were and remain expensive.

Back then, the world was just starting to become more aware about the risks of using so many nonrenewable resources, and people wanted to decrease their dependence on fossil fuels. 

Now, solar power is being used by many different people all across the world, both in big and small ways. One of the small, but still important ways it is being used is in solar post lights.

Often, people want to light their driveways or backyards. Aside from running expensive extension cords to lamps, using battery after battery, or running lines in underground pipes, there really weren't many choices to power their lamps. 

Now, solar post lights are regularly used by those who want the convenience of not having to change batteries, and those who want to save money on their electric bill.

Solar post lights work by using very small solar panels, which are attached to an energy collector. 

These solar panels stay out in the sun all day, attached to your post, and they soak up all of the suns solar energy. 

The energy collector in many of the solar post lights is a NiCad rechargeable battery, most of which can go up to 1000 charges! 

The light that is powered by the battery is a LED light, which takes very little power but emits a bright light. 

LEDs can last up to 25 years, making solar post lights a very economical investment unlike conventional expensive solar batteries used in solar battery banks to power households and businesses. 

These lights will emit their soft glow for many hours during the night, depending on the amount of solar energy they received during the day.

Other advantages to solar post lights are that there are no wires needed, so installation is very easy. 

Also, you can often buy the lights individually, so there is no need to buy a large package of the lights if you only need a few to illuminate your way. 

Each light runs independent of the others, so if one light malfunctions, the rest will still be there and glowing.

Whether you choose to buy a few or a lot of the solar post lights, they are still the most economical and ecology minded choice for your driveway and fence lighting needs.

 With a long lifespan and easy installation, these lamps are the perfect thing to shine through the dark of your front yard.

All that said, household and industrial Solar energy remains very expensive, good news is the new EZ battery reconditioning steps that returns any dead battery to life, so you never buy expensive solar Solar batteries again.

EZ battery reconditioning Steps, never buy new expensive solar batteries again.

The Secret To Successful Online Home Business.


I write articles to inform and also to influence.  This message contains just one tip for starting and sustaining an online home business. 

My first article was titled, “Why Can't Everyone  Engage In  A Home Business?”

My answer to that question was, “Everyone can start and grow an online Home Business."

I listed seven things you required to be a successful online home business owner.  

Back to this current article.

Well, I suspect that  you have already read or heard countless times that the key to success in any business, whether on or offline,  is "marketing and promoting?" The terrible twins feared by potential online entrepreneurs. 

I am sure, even though you have so far not found the interest and encouragement  to invest money and time in a home business,  you believe hundred percent in  "marketing and promoting," but feel not up to the enabling task, right?

But wait.

The real secret to success in any business is just one...  your mind!

Your mind has been the barrier between you and starting your very own online home business as a side hustle. 

I bet you don't know that many Internet millionaires started their business as side hustles without particularly being aware of the secret, yet their desire to make money pushed and kept them going until they found the way for making millions legitimately online, working with their Smartphone and computers in the comfort of their homes.

Even though there is a lot of free ebooks,  courses, and articles out there explaining how to start and succeed in a home business, your mind has been against what you can do to meet with financial freedom.

Wait for a second.

I am not saying that many potential online makers have not been discouraged because they read free articles, free Ebooks or even paid courses to the letter, yet achieved no significant success.

So I will reiterate in this article:  It's your mind that you need to succeed with your home business

Yes, if you have your mindset firmly in what you do, you do it faithfully and never think of giving up. 

Your mind is your no 1 tool. All the other tools:  Ebooks, articles, software, and Online marketing and promotion information that you may buy or get for free will be useless if you do not have a positive mind.

However, if you program your mind for success, it will find many ways to subdue ignorance and the other challenges and push you to success. 

In that mindset, you will connect with the right people, attract lucky breaks, and receive useful free ideas for online marketing and promotion, you will find a qualified mentor, find a problem to solve, become focused, take the right actions at the right time, take risks, be willing to sacrifice with the right attitude.

The above is the holy grail and key to success with an online home business. It will remain like that through this year and always.  

Therefore, the first right step you must take is to make up your mind to have a vision, see the big picture, and focus on it, and the Universe will provide all you need to work your way to success.

Let me rephrase: If you get your mind right at first; the rest will be done with ease. And your passion will soar and you will even enjoy your journey.

I say to you, "you must 100% want to succeed to be wealthy. If your desire is 99.9%, with a grain of fear, hidden doubts, and dislikes, your success will be hindered.

Friend, you must honestly desire to be rich, if not ignorance and a legion of challenges will truncate your dream.

Therefore, you must examine yourself; are you ready to work for success? Have you made up your mind to be successful? 

If your answers are  "yes," success will eventually welcome you. You will then realize that success has been hiding all those years behind ignorance, fear, doubt, etc. 

The defeat of Self-doubt.

If you succeed in programming your mind for success in any home business, poverty will leave you.  Your mind will reject poverty thoughts, and the wasting of your time, money,  and talents with useless friends.  

You will no more engage in wasteful preoccupations and wastefulness. 

People will watch in awe and wonderment, as things continue to turn out in your favor. 

You will begin to freely give, as your newfound wealth spills over, to other people's lives.

You will become a distributor of knowledge...mentor, and  the Universe will open her success gate and make you a distributor of her abundance 

But all that starts in your mind.

Very few know, or will tell you this fact. 

However, With the right mindset, you can become fabulously wealthy. It is all in your mind

This is the truth about wealth and success in any work-at-home business

Your mind is the most important tool you will need to succeed in a home business this year and always 

To be successful in your home business marketing and promotion efforts, you need to program your mind for success.

If you do not accept and embrace this fact, all the marketing and promotion tools, tips, and information you read on home business would be useless. 

You would easily get discouraged; you would think that you need a good product or company that will make you instantly rich. 

You would blame other people  for your home business failure, You would blame your parents that they are not wealthy, You would believe that there is something out there that can help you succeed with your home business, and in life.

No! Success lies within you and it starts in your mind. 

When you fully digest this secret, nothing will stand in your way. 

I discovered this secret and my work-at-home business took off so easily.

Even if you live in a remote country with few privileges for online success, you will still make it, and here I have given you the key

Use it and you will achieve the success that you have always wanted with your home business.

Finally, bear in mind that your mind and attitude are the most essential home business marketing tools you will ever need to succeed in the online home business this year and beyond.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How To Have A Healthy Teeth And Million Dollar Smiles.

 How To Have  A Healthy Teeth And Million Dollar Smiles.

Despite better in-office dental equipment and at-home care, more people find it hard to have effective dental care.

Although there are some conditions and diseases that can facilitate tooth loss, the products and technology today are supposed to give people more control to help keep their original teeth healthy and snow white, but in reality, many people need help.

The most common suggestion to have a healthy set of teeth for million-dollar smiles is to constantly brush and floss them. 

Most teeth and mouth problems are triggered or caused by plaque, an icky layer of bacteria, food particles, and other organic matter that forms on the surface of the teeth.

The bacteria found in plaque are responsible for producing acids that cause cavities to form. Plaque is also responsible for periodontal disease, an infection that can damage the tissues and erode the bone surrounding the teeth.

The best way to remove plaque and destroy its chances of building up is not only  through brushing and flossing, you may nee an effective oral care.

Regular brushing and flossing are needed so that the plaque won't have the chance to accumulate and harden.

Don't Be A Sloppy Brusher. Most of the people have been taught the proper technique of brushing the teeth when they were kids, but they become careless as they age

Yes, people tend to disregard the proper way of brushing as they get older, and just brush their teeth sloppily. 

If you think that simply brushing your teeth all around and making bubbles is enough to get rid of the plaque and other food debris, think again.

You may just be wasting your time, effort, and toothpaste if you don't practice the proper technique of brushing your teeth. It takes more than instinctive brushing to get your toothbrush bristles to remove plaque without injuring your gums.

If you want to know the proper way to brush your teeth, you can visit a dental hygienist or a dentist so that they can show you the proper way to do it.

General Tips About Brushing:

You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Perhaps the most important time to brush your teeth is just before you go to sleep because, during sleep, the production of saliva decreases, making the teeth more vulnerable to the attack of bacterial acids.

It is not advisable to brush more than three times a day because it may cause the gums to recede in the long run. When brushing your teeth, make sure not to make the strokes too harsh because it will also cause the gums to recede or bleed. Teeth and oral care are important to live a healthy social life

Imagine this: plaque sticks to the teeth just like jam sticks to a wooden ladle. Rinsing the wooden ladle won't remove the jam, instead, light and constant brushing will be able to do the trick.

Brushing too hard will damage the ladle, which will also have the same damage to the teeth and gums. Don't want to rush when you are brushing your teeth. Two minutes is the recommended time to adequately remove the food and plaque build-up on your teeth.

Change Your Toothbrush Regularly.

Don't be a scrooge when it comes to toothbrushes because they are the primary weapon for personal dental care. They don't cost a lot so when you notice that your toothbrush has been with you for three months already, or if you already that the bristles of your toothbrush have already started to play, it's high time that you replace it with a new toothbrush to maintain a an effective oral hygiene

Blood Pressure, Kidney Disease And Back Pain

Blood pressure, insomnia, cancer, kidney disease, and back pain?

All these diseases are like football players; each complementing the other. 

Their final aim is to hit the goal, to destroy the opponent, you! 

Just like the players in the game of soccer, these series of diseases affect and supplement each other. 

If you do not know how to treat them properly, one makes way for another. 

When the players violate the game rules, they need to be shown the red card, one by one, and marched out of the field! 

Alike this, these diseases can be dealt with if you get your kidney back to a good condition.

If you have back pain that doesn’t mean that you have kidney disease. But if you have kidney disease, certainly you have back pain! 

But the trouble with kidney disease is that it attacks you silently and by the time you realize that you have it, it has assumed dangerous proportions. I am sure you cannot afford lifetime dialysis or a kidney transplant!

I remember an anonymous poet, who said, God, do not give death to poor persons, they don’t have enough money for the fire-wood, for burning the dead body!

According to the survey conducted by the National Kidney Foundation, 20 million Americans have this disease and another 20 million are on the verge of the disease. This means that about 40 million Americans have backache due to kidney disease made worse by not providing a wholesome treatment to patients. 

Adding to these figures the number of people who have the only backache, you will get the whole American population suffering from back pain!!

Proper functioning of your kidneys and blood pressure are related. 

If one is alright, there should be no problem with the other. Overall body health depends upon kidneys. Once every 30 minutes, the entire bloodstock within your body passes through your kidney. 

The wastes are filtered out, and they reach the bladder to pass as urine. 

Kidneys contain a million nephrons, the tiny vessels that do the job of filtering the blood, so you should take care of your kidney.

With several people suffering from several diseases at the same time, the diseases are telling you that they all are relatives 👪! 

Treating each disease with a different type of medication is the root cause of the problem. 

It shows a lack of understanding of how the human body system functions as a whole. 

Because natural types of treatments and regular exercise score over hard pain-suppressing medicines, all diseases will depart much faster than the time they took to arrive!

Kidney Disease Risk Factors.

Crucial risk characteristics for chronic kidney disease (CKD) are difficult to address in the United States and universally, according to a report of the National Kidney Foundation’s (NKF) Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP).

This report summarized the health information of 37,000 individuals who are at risk for kidney disease. 

Risk factors comprise diabetes, hypertension, and or a family record of kidney disease. 

Half of the participants in the report had CKD, yet only two percent were aware of it. People with kidney disease seem to suffer other serious health problems, such as obesity and anemia.

“Understanding the risk factors and the need for screening can go a long way toward early detection and prevention of kidney disease,” says Allan Collins, MD, President-elect of the NKF and director of the KEEP Data Coordinating Center.

“Ninety percent of the participants reported visiting their doctors in the last 12 months,” continues Collins, “yet most were not aware that they could be at risk for chronic kidney disease.

The right kind of screening is of critical importance, according to the NKF. Almost half of KEEP participants test positive for microalbuminuria, or trace amounts of protein in the urine, which is the earliest sign of kidney disease.

“The good news is that new kidney treatment options are affecting many populations that would've advanced to dialysis or kidney transplantation. 

Nearly 60 percent of KEEP participants provide post-screening follow-up information and many reports consulting with their physicians regarding elevated blood pressure, anemia, and more because of information they learned through the screening,” says Collins.

A  step-by-step Ebook outlines the [Kidney Disease Solution program] to help you repair your kidneys and improve your kidney available online for everyone including national and local advocacy partners, health care providers, and medical institutions to reach patient communities that are affected by chronic kidney disease.

“CKD is not just a ‘kidney problem.’ Kidneys are responsible for filtering toxins out of the body; if they’re damaged, the whole body suffers,” said Dr. Laura A. Williams, Global Project Head, Abbott, associate sponsor of KEEP. “Abbott supports KEEP and other early diagnosis efforts because, if CKD is recognized early, [treatment options are available] not only to slow the progression of kidney disease but also to prevent additional injury to other vital organs and tissues, especially the heart and bones .”

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

EZ Battery Reconditioning Course

You'll be surprised how simple EZ battery reconditioning steps are! 

Easily Recondition your dead batteries:


  • Car Batteries
  •  Laptop Batteries
  •  Phone Batteries
  •  Rechargeable Batteries
  •  Long Life Batteries
  •  Lead-Acid Batteries
  •  Lithium-ion (Li-ion) Batteries
  •  Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries
  •  AA Batteries
  •  AAA Batteries
  •  Alternative Energy Batteries
  •  Deep Cycle Batteries
  •  Marine Batteries
  •  Golf Cart Batteries
  •  Forklift Batteries

Give any type of battery a new lease of life, reconditioned and working great again! 

You can even start a Battery Reconditioning Business after you complete the  EZ Battery Reconditioning Course.

Can't say more here,



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