Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Blood Pressure, Kidney Disease And Back Pain

Blood pressure, insomnia, cancer, kidney disease, and back pain?

All these diseases are like football players; each complementing the other. 

Their final aim is to hit the goal, to destroy the opponent, you! 

Just like the players in the game of soccer, these series of diseases affect and supplement each other. 

If you do not know how to treat them properly, one makes way for another. 

When the players violate the game rules, they need to be shown the red card, one by one, and marched out of the field! 

Alike this, these diseases can be dealt with if you get your kidney back to a good condition.

If you have back pain that doesn’t mean that you have kidney disease. But if you have kidney disease, certainly you have back pain! 

But the trouble with kidney disease is that it attacks you silently and by the time you realize that you have it, it has assumed dangerous proportions. I am sure you cannot afford lifetime dialysis or a kidney transplant!

I remember an anonymous poet, who said, God, do not give death to poor persons, they don’t have enough money for the fire-wood, for burning the dead body!

According to the survey conducted by the National Kidney Foundation, 20 million Americans have this disease and another 20 million are on the verge of the disease. This means that about 40 million Americans have backache due to kidney disease made worse by not providing a wholesome treatment to patients. 

Adding to these figures the number of people who have the only backache, you will get the whole American population suffering from back pain!!

Proper functioning of your kidneys and blood pressure are related. 

If one is alright, there should be no problem with the other. Overall body health depends upon kidneys. Once every 30 minutes, the entire bloodstock within your body passes through your kidney. 

The wastes are filtered out, and they reach the bladder to pass as urine. 

Kidneys contain a million nephrons, the tiny vessels that do the job of filtering the blood, so you should take care of your kidney.

With several people suffering from several diseases at the same time, the diseases are telling you that they all are relatives 👪! 

Treating each disease with a different type of medication is the root cause of the problem. 

It shows a lack of understanding of how the human body system functions as a whole. 

Because natural types of treatments and regular exercise score over hard pain-suppressing medicines, all diseases will depart much faster than the time they took to arrive!

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